The Fisherman and His Wife Review

In this review,  I will talk about the fairytale "The Fisherman and His Wife". This will contain brief spoilers.

I decided to read over a list of fairytales that we had to read during 8th grade. The one that really caught my attention was "The Fisherman and HIs Wife" because I remember doing a fan-fiction of the short story for a project. 

The "The Fisherman and His Wife" is a story about a husband who is forced by his wife to repeatedly ask a magical fish for a more luxurious house. The wife's wishes starts out small, but it rapidly becomes out of control. The wife demands her husband to ask the magical fish to fulfill her wishes. However, when the fisherman goes to the fish to make her husband pope, the couple start at square one; the small and dirty hut.

This fairytale focuses on greed and shows that you should be happy with what you have. If the wife decided to appreciate with what she already had, then none of her wishes would have been taken away from the fish. Her demand for power and luxury turns back on her as everything is taken away in an instant. 

I believe that every young reader should have access to this fairytale because it teaches a moral that holds a prominent stand in modern-society. This story will teach kids to appreciate the things they already have and that demanding for too many things can quickly turn back on you.

I would rate this short but decent fairytale  9/10 because it includes character development (the fish), symbolism, poetry,  and a relevant moral. I think that this story could've been better if it included a scene of the reaction of the wife after she goes back to living in a pisspot. 

- Harsh


  1. I agree, a scene of the wife exploding with rage after she loses all of her ill-gotten fortunes would be amazing. The Fisherman and His Wife is a really good fairy tale overall. I appreciate how you gave a concise yet accurate description of the plot. I feel like even if someone hasn't read this story, they can understand what it's about from your article.

  2. I agree with much of this. The story shows strong morals, and demonstrates them better than many other fairy tales, in my opinion. I do think that they only went back to living in their pisspot after the wife asks to be God, though, not the pope. I could be mistaken. I also agree that a scene of the wife's reaction to going back to the pisspot would be interesting.

  3. I really like your summary of the fairy tale. It's short but its able to outline the major points in the story well. I also agree that the tale plays a part in teaching kids about greed and appreciating what they have.


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